The gE.CO consortium met in Barcelona on 25-26 June 2019 to proceed with the development of the platform and related tasks.

Barcelona has been a very inspiring context in which to work together, learning from the experiences of a very vibrant city in terms of commons and community regeneration of urban voids. Partners have been working in La Lleialtat Santsenca and visiting the Can Battlò site, from which there is a lot to learn from.

gE.CO has started in February and in the last six months, the consortium has been working hard! For the gE.CO community, the most relevant work has been to develop the gE.CO template, an essential tool for collecting basic information about commons and public initiatives. Additionally, the partners have carried out the basic tools for communication and dissemination activities, by delivering the Dissemination and Communication Plan, the press release, the website and a minute in which communication and dissemination events can be collected.