

Eutropian is a research, policy and advocacy organisation helping civic involvement in urban transformation processes. We work with NGOs, community groups, social enterprises, municipalities and EU institutions in developing services, policies and organisational models, as well as in fundraising, designing cooperation, governance and communication within local and international ecosystems.

We are specialised in urban regeneration, cultural development, community participation, local economic development and social innovation, with a special focus on building development scenarios on existing resources. We are experienced in facilitating workshops with a diversity of stakeholders, moderating events, coordinating local and international knowledge transfers and education programmes, and designing cooperation processes.

Team members

Daniela Patti is a co-founder of Eutropian. She is an Italian-British architect and urban planner, has studied in Rome, London, Porto and holds a Ph.D. in urbanism from the Technical University of  Vienna. Her recent research and projects’ interest has been on the governance of peri-urban landscape, the revitalisation of local food markets, economic models for community-based urban development and strategies to tackle urban poverty. She regularly works with the URBACT, Urban innovative Actions, the International Urban Cooperation and Urban Agenda on Urban Poverty programs.


Yilmaz Vurucu is a Canadian film-maker based in Vienna with an extensive experience in television and documentaries, with a particular focus on sustainable urban development and social inclusion. He has an extensive experience in sustainable urban development, for example with the documentary “The Sea in Me” that was looking into coastal development Turkey, as well as his films on migration and social inclusion, as in the case of “Borders”. He is the social media manager and responsible for the promotion of the Cooperative City magazine project within Eutropian.