Download the complete general written report of the survey results here!
The live broadcast on January 19th played host to special guests from urban commons initiatives from across Europe. Their experiences with the survey and their opinions on how to support urban commons initiatives were some of the main issues discussed.
Of particular interest was a presentation by Bru Laín Escandell and Antonio Vercellone on the survey results.
The g.ECO Living Lab survey included a pilot group of 56 cases (spread throughout 15 countries and 43 cities), the results of which will be very helpful in better understanding the phenomenon on a larger scale.
The gE.CO Survey grasped information about four main fields of analysis, including issues related with socio-demographic characteristics, location and thematic area where theses cases perform their activity; their funding sources and legal status; their modes of organization and dynamics of participation, and issues related with technology, digital uses and communication strategies. Altogether, data collected through these four areas of study allows us to depict a pretty complete picture of our cases studies. Our aim, however, was not to get a detailed description of each case, but rather to identify and to point out the main trends and shared features of some of the most interesting cases of the generative commons across all Europe.

Surveys’ content reveals some of the most idiosyncratic characteristic sand problems observed in most of these generative commons practices, such as those issues related with their own legal status and their legal recognition by part of public authorities as well as their legal ability to manage public assets (i.e old public buildings). Other observed issues, such as the problems associated with their internal organization models or their communicative practices might be quite similar to those observed in more traditional social organizations.
View summary here
You can view the presentation over on our facebook page. Simply click here for the video.
Download published summary here: Summary of survey results