Patrizia di Monte / estonoesunsolar

Architect and creator of the program Esto no es un solar, Pdimonte has developed experience in the implementation of urban regeneration projects, programs and policies in areas with a high level of urban and social degradation extending furthermore a urban vision to the artistic field, always bringing into focus the cultural upheaval of the cities. Great experiences in on-site strategies, walks, mapping sessions, do-it-yourself workshops aimed at empowering and engaging the highest possible number of citizens. Creation and management of virtual spaces, through a website and a specific blog fostering participation.

Patrizia di Monte
Architect by IUAV (Venezia, Italy). Training Grant from the Italian Government for post-graduate studies at the UPC-Barcelona, Master “The Large Scale”, and PHD in “The New Tools of Urbanism and Architecture ”.
Member of Culture Committee and counselor of the Institute of Architects in Zaragoza – Project Manager at Consorcio Zaragoza Expo 2008.
Architect of Zaragoza European Culture Capital 2016 candidacy.
Director “estonoesunsolar ” technical office, empty lots adequacy to temporary public spaces: 42 projects, 60.000 m² of vacant lands upcycled in public space, over 60 citizen associations envolved, 110 workers. (International networks and projects collaborations: Eurocities, Educating Cities, CIDEU, Agenda 21 CulturaIberoamericana, Mercociudades, Rehabitat, Ciudades Creatives Kreanta,
E.T.S.A. Zaragoza professor (Town planning; Social Architecture) and International relation coordinator from 2010 to 2014 .
Promoter O.U.T. pilot case, (empty buildings office of temporary use), Municipality of Zragoza (on progress)