Learning from innovative case studies

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Has been created a method for analyzing significatives case studies. On the one hand, the learning process has been extrapolated from the experience of successful temporal uses pilot cases developed by Gravalosdimonte, on the other hand have been selected innovative European cases among community of citizens initiatives, institutionalized initiatives and urban policies. It has been organized sequentially and scaled, comprising factors about the urban context, the architectural space,  the type of initiative, the activities implemented, the types of cession,  the management models.

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further reading:

6 Steps to reactivate empty spaces

Establishes a methodological tool that serves as a guide for the reprogramming of the existing city and to reincorporate disused spaces in a new useful life cycle.

Temporary use office

Envisions the implementation of a Temporary Use Office, which can function as a front office – agency (at a local or European level) to support the reactivation of abandoned buildings.